Sunday, April 19, 2009

Actually this was a job done for " Agency for Science, Technology, & Research ", in short will be A* Star 2 years back.

Was actually clearing some old records from my system and saw this. So decided to post it up after 2 years later. By the way, my blog is only coming to a year old.

If I don't record wrongly. It was meant as an appreciation gift for Mr Philip Yeo for his valuable services.

Unusually Custom Figurine will be the most ideal gift that will be suitable for any occasions. As it will be exclusively One & Only.


This will be one of the most interesting products that was created by us.

You can first choose one of your favourite photo and transform your photo into a caricature drawing. Once the drawing is done, you can get it in-print onto a custom wall tiles.

The wall tile come in two sizes and beside can be used as a wall tiles for decorative purposes. It can also being used as a photo frame displayed.